​MODERN ATHLETIX helps athletes develop the expertise they’ll need throughout their sports careers.
No matter the sport, equipping oneself with the proper nutritional, psychological, and physical skills are key to raising to the next level.
At MODERN ATHLETIX, we understand the delicate balance between managing both on-field and off-field responsibilities.
Our programs are customized for each athlete, offering the tools and support necessary to excel in any chosen path.

​MODERN ATHLETIX utilizes three core components when assessing and training any athlete, regardless of their sport: nutrition, mental health, and skill set. They must work in unison in order to have successful practice and competition.​
So MODERN ATHLETIX makes certain to foster growth in each area, holistically addressing each athlete.
All ages
Current or graduated student athletes
Retired collegiate and professional athletes
College and professional teams and organizations
National sports development programs
Performance and wellness coaches
Current agents and other trusted advisors
Team staff and doctors
Family members